
Look out for your tree
Cultivating the senses of touch, and smell, but also awareness and trust, the children from Dvůr Králové nad Labem worked together in…

The Sounds of Places
Listen to the sounds from various locations in the city of Rožňava and the Baltic region. Try to discuss them. Questions and…

Farewell Gift: Ninth-Graders Plant Trees for First-Graders
At our school, we started a new tradition – ninth-graders to first-graders. Our ninth-graders said goodbye to their years spent at elementary…

Forest Fridays & Sustainability Quest
by Winterslow Primary School, Wiltshire UK Forest Fridays At Winterslow Primary School we have ‘Forest Fridays’ where the children learn in the…

Oughterside Quest
Oughterside Primary School in Cumbria UK have created a Quest around their village. First they explored the history of the landscape and…

by SARA DAWSON & EMMA HAMBLET, teachers Wigton Nursery and Infant School, Wigton, Cumbria, UK The children at Wigton Nursery and Infant…

Orchard in Grandpa’s garden
by ZŠ s MŠ Františka Jozefa Fugu, Vinné We have an old orchard in our grandfather’s garden. We have apple, plum, walnut…

Clothes swap
by Ludmila Kozlová, ZŠ a Montessori MŠ Prachatice, Národní 1018 At our Montessori School in Prachatice (Czech Republic) we had a clothes…

Social and Emotional Learning in nature-rich environments
by Geoff Norman, CDEC We identified a range of nature-rich, public access sites near our school, and took groups of Year 1…

Nature Journaling
by Geoff Norman, CDEC We have been encouraging children, and teachers, to look at their place in a new way throughNature Journaling….